There was a girl name Alice Alexander. She lives in the Nine Kingdom with her family in a small place far away  from village,neighbors and week. The Nine Kingdom or a specific name is The Tattirieum place was a beautiful view green mountain and tree with a beautiful shining waterfall. Many people lives in The Nine Kingdom didn’t know about the pure holy shining waterfall. The shining waterfall is a greatest,powerful,beautifully and a lot of magical happen to the water once while ago. In a hundred years ago,lots of people in The Nine Kingdom believe this waterfall because some people who live there,they saw a tiny fairy with a beautiful tiny wings are lives in the waterfall. Those fairy always cleaning,taking good care of environment and they also put some  powerful magic spell into the water. This water can cure all the disease,losing scar,intend to finding love also give some immortal power for one person. But the queen fairy put one condition into the water.
  “Only the pure heart can trough this powerful spell to get all power to bring this kingdom peace and command very well. But only three things will be allowed for some reason”. The queen fairy said.
   The other fairy said ” what other condition three things will be allowed my queen?”.
    The queen said  “people live in this kingdom will be allowed to drink this shining waterfall to cure their disease,losing their scars from the body and people who wants to fall in love can make their wishes to our shining waterfall. But the immortal power shall not be allowed. If handed to wrong hand this kingdom will fall. Do not let this happen”.
  “To get them all only one person can get these such a incredible power. Only One pure soul and heart shall get. Remember! do not let human destroy our nature or our shining waterfall”.said the queen.
  Rumors about the shining waterfall are spread all over the place in The Nine Kingdom and other kingdom are interested with these holy waterfall. Mostly come to the shining waterfall didn’t make it save because some human are so greedy to get this immortal power and rule the kingdom by their evil heart inside of them. But some human use it well for cure the disease. And some of human use it well for make a wish to find a lover. And some of them did not. Until for that, the King of The Nine Kingdom king Arthur wants to destroy the waterfall because the waterfall make cause fighting with other kingdom is  The Arteries Kingdom. The king of the Arteries is the King Stephen who are so greed to get the powerful from the waterfall in bad situation.
   Before the king Stephen from The Arteries kingdom arrive,king Arthur arrange his man heading to destroy the shining waterfall first before his kingdom turn to ashes by the king Stephen. “Mr. Crawford gather my man down there to the shining waterfall. Destroy the shining waterfall and the live living with them also broke the spell”.King said.
   “But my lord the spell in the shining waterfall are  too stronger we cannot go there to destroy everything my lord. It’s about nature my lord!”. Mr. Crawford said.
    The king was mad to Mr. Crawford and force his army go to the shining waterfall to destroy it.” Don’t questioning me Mr. Crawford do it I said. I cannot let the Arteries take my kingdom I wouldn’t allowed”.The king said. Mr. Crawford saw the king face turn to red,he knows the king so angry want to destroy the shining waterfall so badly. So,he decided gather the man go to the shining waterfall and destroy the fairy. When Mr. Crawford and his man came to the shining waterfall,all the fairy make their defending to protect the pure holy shining waterfall from them. Mr. Crawford knows the fairy of the holy water are too strong from his weapon. So he brought the sorceress to broke the spell and killed the fairy.
    Mr. Crawford said to the sorceress “that’s the holy water,if you can destroy the queen the spell on the the waterfall shall be broke. Because she is the leader all of the fairy and the nature around her. Then the waterfall will be an ordinary water”.
    ” Very well then Mr. Crawford..But if I destroy all the spell,what’s a reward shall I get Mr. Crawford?”.Ask the sorceress.
   “Soon as you done your work…sorceress. Do not worry you’ll get your rewards sorceress!’. Answered Mr. Crawford.
   “Careful Mr. Crawford….promise is a promise. But….after destroy this shining waterfall,people in this kingdom will not believing this waterfall again. Soon,little by little the power of the fairy will be gone forever”.The sorceress said.
  “Good…let’s begin…make it quick”. Mr. Crawford said.
    The sorceress use her magic darkness which is her power are too strong for the fairy until they become a statue of the shining waterfall and their power has been vanished by the evil sorceress that Mr. Crawford didn’t know about the sorceress. At the end of the generation the shining of the waterfall and the fairy become a story,a legend,mitosis or some another story that people in the nine kingdom are created until you don’t even know which one is true. That’s a hundred year’s ago..Alice mother told her about the story of the holy waterfall. Until now Alice always go to the waterfall to see the statue of the fairy was a beautiful place that she might wonder how come people doesn’t believe this fairy and the waterfall. But Alice put her trust to the waterfall that she wants to become a painter and find a true love someday. She never forget to clean the waterfall and the statue of the fairy every single day. Back to our story..about the story of Alice Alexander. This young girl are such adorable girl lives in the big castle what they call is Alexander Resident Castle House.



A Simple View Green Mountain Tree

    Hello and good day to all bloggers.Sorry I’m taking too long to post my new next blog.Today I’m gonna show you all how to draw a simple view green mountain tree using a colour pencil with color brush.All the material we need is a color pencil,a pencil,eraser,a cup of water for our painting,and of course we need a color brush and one plate and sketch book or drawing paper.

 First of all,create one of your imagination or selected picture to draw.Those picture down there that I show you is I’m only use my imagination and choose a simple view to create.The next step is,take your empty sketches or drawing paper,draw a simple line in the middle to separate between mountain and the land.After making the line,I started drawing a simple tree around the land space.If you want to draw a tree,just make a simple one for your comfy & much more easier to remember.But it take a lot of practice everyday.Trust me it’s worth.

Afterwards,choose any color pencil for your comfy to lighten more the line on the tree and also for the mountain. Do not forget to douse a little bit of water on  eye color pencil into a cup of water before coloring  to your drawing. I choose purple color because I feel so comfy to use it when you mix it with other colors to make a shadow,bright color,dark color and also for the hot color.

The next step is started to coloring at least two trees from the front to make first layer reflecting on the trees before moving another tree. Because the front trees of the most can attract the attention of viewers who’s watching it and the form of a tree that you produce in a drawing very interesting and creative also. After completion of the the first layer of a hint color at the front trees,repeat the steps again on other trees so the colors that you see are balanced.

The important thing to start your color in the drawing are:

1)Use bright colors to paint or make the hint on the first layer.

example: light purple,light yellow,light brown,light pink,light blue or as long as it light color before go to the dark color.

2)balance in using water color or color pencil.

3)controlling in using water color or color pencil.

4)Drawing or coloring the drawings need a lot of patience because patience in producing a work produced.

5)Do not easily give up in color or drawing something works.

When finished painting the first layer on all trees,mix it with other color pencil to get the most dark colors because I want to make the lighting from the front and in the dark at the back. So,the painting on the trees will appears on the form. To get the most dark colors as the picture above,I use bright colors in advance because the brightest color is very important in producing a darker color.

 So,the color that i used is:

Light purple + light yellow + light brown

If you want to use other bright colors also can…but I’m only use three colors. Do not forget to douse a little bit of water on  eye color pencil into a cup of water before coloring  to your drawing.

After mixing bright colors in the painting,to darken again next part of the tree,we need a dark color or hot colors on the tree so the lighting is visible on the painting. For dark color used:

Red + dark brown + dark blue + black

Do not forget to douse a little bit of water on  eye color pencil into a cup of water before coloring  to your drawing. Repeat the steps again on other trees in your painting.

Drawing that I show you above is almost ready. Okay…once you’ve completed all color the trees at your drawing,to get the color of the leaves and also the color of our land we will adding some material using a paint brush,color pencil,water color & one single plate for our painting &  a cup of water.

First of all parts of the land started brightly before getting dark side & also the lighting in your drawing.

Here’s how:

1) To get the color of the land we will moisten the soil a little water on your drawing using  a color brush. Do not get too wet on your paper because it may damage your painting or your drawing paper. So,we must control the water on your brush gently & quietly.

2) After that,use bright colors namely:

    The first layer

     Color pencil + water color + color brush

      (Light brown + brown + color brush)

3) Then,to get the lighting & dark color,use anywhere dark colors you like. I choose these color:

     The second layer

      Color pencil:

    Color brush(wet) + brown + dark brown + dark blue.


     The third layer

      Water color:

       Color brush(wet) + red + yellow ocher + cobalt blue

(Use all the colors to get the lighting & the dark color in your drawings…start from behind the trees on the right side of your drawing)

4) Typically,the leaves of this  tree I prefer to use water colors because it is very easy & fast. Here’s the simple steps:

I) As usual,first moisten with a little water color brush to put on your drawing.

ii) Thereafter, to get the green color of the leaves of the tree are:

 The first layer

  Color pencil

   Color brush(wet) + light green + green + dark green


The second layer

Water color

Color brush(wet) + yellow ocher + cobalt blue

(When using this color,plenty of water while you are coloring….REMEMBER DO NOT TOO WET ON YOUR DRAWING).

5) Do not forget the mountain behind the tree must also be in color. It’s the same way with no.4:

I) The normal range,first moisten with a little water color brush to put on your drawing.

ii) To obtain a blue color on the mountain are:

     The first layer

      Color pencil:

       Color brush(wet) + light blue + blue + dark blue


     The second layer

      Water color

       Color brush(wet) + (red+blue=purple) + blue

  (When using this color,plenty of water while you are coloring….REMEMBER DO NOT TOO WET ON YOUR DRAWING).

And last but not least your painting will be like on this picture above…this is a simple view green mountain tree even a little bit messy…I hope you all happy reading and try for the tips for painting..And so sorry if my language were not OK…I’ll promise to fix it..

So, that’s it for the wrap…you can see my link down here:

When I see you again

It’s been a long day without you my dear friend,

I hope I can’t say this word to you,

It’s never blurrier in our friendship,together we build this empire of love,togetherness we share our pain,tears,happiness,laugh,sad and most importantly we build our family no matter what is coming to our place,we hold on to each other never let this empire we build are fall into the darkness,


I wish I can see you again to start this all over again where we begin,I wish you and I can  talk face to face like we use to be,

We play together,

We success in life together,

We chase our dream together,

We never fall apart ,

We fight this world together never let go to each other,

We like brother and sister always fight and being good,

We married with our true love,

You just being you.You never let people bring you down.

You always kept a secret between friend and works,

You never let people  control you,

You bring a joy to our friendship,family and friend this will always be in memories,

You give us strength when we all in danger,

You like a shelter to our relationship,

You are talented,brilliant,keeping smiling,making trouble,and never let people forgot who you are,

Let the light guide you to the right direction,

Let people see your giftness where it’s started,

When you getting started to shine,you’re gone

It’s been a year never heard from you,people started to know you and give supporting to your career,now you’re disappear from our sight just like that.

From this moment I never had a best friend in my life that I share with,


I’m just a friend who already know you since we make trouble on the street,where too many crime human do in their life.

Never forget that you encourage me to join you solve these crime like drug,gambling,illegal car racing and most shocking to me you are policeman,that was brilliant under cover you are.Believe me no one can do like you do..

We’ve come along way from where we begin,

It’s time to go home meet our family are waiting for you and me,like you said “home sweet home”,

I will continue what we both already done,never look back,

I know this time I have to walk alone and finish it till the end,

I realize that you will be in memories

I realize that your name and your career people will always remember


I wish I can see you again and tell about this word I wrote for you my dear friend.

May rest and peace up there,

My friend,

Love me


Wrote by:Aney@Rohani